
Junior Content Marketing Specialist
HYS Enterprise is looking for a junior content marketing specialist to join its team. As a content marketing specialist, you will be responsible for creating regular content on the HYS Enterprise website, email marketing channels and social media. Requirements: — The desired experience of working as a content marketer for six

Intern/Junior Content Marketing Specialist
HYS Enterprise шукає у свою команду інтерна/джуніор спеціаліста з контент-маркетингу. Ключові обов’язки: переклад матеріалів англійською; створення англійських субтитрів для ютуб каналу; робота з розсилками; наповнення сайтів та лендингів; наповнення корпоративного блогу; генерація контенту для соціальних мереж (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter); бути частиною команди та пропонувати ідеї

Social Media Strategist
Requirements — Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field will be a plus; — English upper intermediate or higher; — 3+ years’ experience in social media management and at least 1 year of experience working with social media

Junior Content Marketing Specialist
Requirements — Experience of working as a content marketer of six months or more is preferable; — Experience in creating various types of content, for example: e-books, technical documents, infographics, manuals, blogs, etc.; — Excellent communication skills; — Advanced level of

Senior Android Engineer
Requirements — Experience with Kotlin, Java, and Android Studio; — Knowledge of TDD, Unit- and Instrumented-testing; — Understanding the Multi-Process Architecture, Dynamic Behavior; — Knowledge of Gradle and multi-module projects; — Relevant experience with Android and Linux OS Architecture; —

QA Automation Engineer
Requirements — 3+ years of experience planning, developing, executing, and monitoring automation tests in a complex and distributed environment using JavaScript; — 3+ years of experience with user testing automation frameworks and tools such as Mocha,, Jest, Allure, ReportPortal;

Social Media Strategist
Requirements — Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field will be a plus; — English upper intermediate or higher; — 3+ years’ experience in social media management and at least 1 year of experience working with social media

Senior .NET Developer
Requirements — Experience in OOP, Design patterns, SOLID principles; — Knowledge C# and ASP.Core; — Knowledge of Microsoft Azure: Azure Functions, CosmosDb, Azure Tables, Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL, etc; — Experience with .NET 6.0; — Knowledge of Web architecture

Junior Content Marketing Specialist
Requirements — Experience of working as a content marketer of six months or more is preferable; — Experience in creating various types of content, for example: e-books, technical documents, infographics, manuals, blogs, etc.; — Excellent communication skills; — Advanced level of

Senior Android Engineer
Requirements — Experience with Kotlin, Java, and Android Studio; — Knowledge of TDD, Unit- and Instrumented-testing; — Understanding the Multi-Process Architecture, Dynamic Behavior; — Knowledge of Gradle and multi-module projects; — Relevant experience with Android and Linux OS Architecture; —

QA Automation Engineer
Requirements — 2+ years of experience planning, developing, executing, and monitoring automation tests in a complex and distributed environment using JavaScript; — 2+ years of experience with user testing automation frameworks and tools such as Mocha,, Jest, Allure, ReportPortal;

PHP Developer
Requirements — 1+ years of commercial experience in web development; — Good level of practice with PHP 7.x; — Have an idea of the new features of PHP 8.x; — Experience with Laravel framework; — Following standards and coding (PSR