ГоловнаКалендарВебінар «Поговоримо про SDLC англійською»
Вебінар «Поговоримо про SDLC англійською»
2 years назад
Конференція, Free
22 листопада

Запрошуємо на безоплатний вебінар: Поговоримо про SDLC англійською.

Реєструйся на вебінар за лінком.

The event covers the need to effectively share the knowledge about Software Development Lifecycle Models at the interviews and professional settings.

The event provides useful techniques to present your theoretical knowledge of Software Development Lifecycle Models using proper technical English terms and structures.


1. SDLC Models at a glance.

2. Sequential development models.

3. Iterative and incremental development models.

4. Software Development Lifecycle Models in Context

Practical cases that are going to be executed during the webinar:

Useful vocabulary phrases and grammatical structures to introduce conceptual information about SDLC Models.

Theoretical knowledge that you will gain:

  • SDLC Models, Sequential /Iterative/ incremental development models: Interview questions: e.g. What are the most characteristic features of the Waterfall/V-model/Spiral model?
  • Which Waterfall stage is the last? At what stage does testing begin with Waterfall?
  • Which areas of software development is Waterfall best suited for?
  • Is it correct to say that V-model is an extended version of Waterfall that allows you to combine the development phase with parallel testing?
  • When using V-model, is there a parallel testing phase at each of the development stages?
  • What is the spiral model of software development?
  • Which stage of development in the spiral model is the most important?
  • What is Agile? What are the core values ​​in Agile?
  • What is Scrum? What are the roles in Scrum?

Practical skills that you will gain after the webinar:

To be able to answer fast and easy to interview questions related to Software Development Lifecycle Models.

Інструменти, з якими ти ознайомишся:

Concise presentation of conceptual information using proper technical English

Who will be interested:

Everyone interested in SDLC Models, QA Engineers who are getting ready for an interview

The minimum English level that a listener should have:

B1+ English level


Anna Savchuk

  • English teacher with 12 years of teaching experience in Business English and English for Specific Purposes (English for QA, PM, BA)
  • 2016 — CELTA certificate,
  • 2020 — Certificate of Language Coaching,
  • 2021 — Micromasters Program in Instructional Design

Всі деталі про вебінар за лінком.