ГоловнаКалендар💥Online course “Fundamentals of the Software Testing”
💥Online course “Fundamentals of the Software Testing”
1 year назад
Курсы, Free
20 червня

💥Start your IT career today! 💥

The QATestLab Training Center team announces the start of the “Fundamentals of the software testing” online course in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czechia, Slovenia, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, North Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Netherlands and Cyprus!

🔸The course provides you with:

◾️ 4 weeks of intensive IT trainings;

◾️ 7 online lectures and 7 practical home tasks to apply the gained knowledge .

◾️ support of the Training Center Specialists and fast feedback concerning questions of the home tasks.

◾️ QA Intern certificate.

📅Start date: 20-th of June

📌Duration: 4 weeks

🟢Lesson format: ONLINE only

🔸After the course, you will:

◾️ become a sensible bug searcher;

◾️ create bug-report that will impress any developer;

◾️ test various software;

◾️ configure the testing processes;

◾️ understand the specifics of testing games and mobile apps;

◾️ work in Mantis Bug Tracker, Jira and TestLink.

In 4 weeks you will receive the fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge needed for the QA Intern position.

Moreover, the best students of the course will be offered a position at the QATestLab.

Follow the link and apply for the course.