ГоловнаКалендарHackYeah 2024
HackYeah 2024
5 months назад
Конференция, Free
28 вересня

HackYeah! The one word illustrates the essence of a hackathon — a gathering where innovative minds meet to shape the future. This year, we cordially invite you to the 10th-anniversary edition of HackYeah. Join us on 28-29 September at the Tauron Arena in Krakow for an unforgettable event.


Like every year, participants will face several challenges, from which they can select their preferred tasks. Forming teams of 1 to 6 members, participants must create innovative solutions. It’s worth noting that while preliminary task descriptions are available on our website, the exact details will only be unveiled on the day of the hackathon. This is when the true magic unfolds.
You’ll have 24 hours to craft a remarkable idea that will dazzle the judges, and compete for the grand prize. But take it easy! We provide the assistance of qualified mentors onsite. No one is left unattended <3

We strive to offer diverse tasks and maintain a broad spectrum of options. Proficiency in programming is not essential for every task! Often, a project manager, graphic designer, or marketer is crucial to effectively present ideas to the judges. You have the flexibility to work alone or collaborate within a group — choose the approach that best suits you!


Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a budding talent filled with ideas, catch this opportunity to showcase your abilities. Developers, designers, innovators — all are encouraged to unleash their creativity and tackle challenges across various domains. Don’t let this chance slip away. Embark on this thrilling journey with us and secure your spot by registering now!