ГоловнаКалендарAD Software Testing Online Meetup #14
AD Software Testing Online Meetup #14
1 year назад
Митап, Free
6 липня

How we improved our hiring process by Artem Grygorenko

Hiring is a skill that not all companies have. Searching is a skill that candidates have not mastered. This complicates the process of finding suitable employees and everyone in this process suffers. How many technical interviews do you have to conduct to find 40 mid-level and senior QA specialists? According to some estimates it could be up to 400 interviews.
But what if I told you how to make this process better, faster and reduce the number of interviews by 4 times? Join the talk where I will reveal my own way to improve the hiring process in a rapidly developing company.


We are interested in talks related to Functional testing, Load testing, SDET and DevOps in testing:
— best practices;
— tools;
— programming languages;
— frameworks;
— mobile testing;
— backend testing;
— web testing;
— approaches to the results’ analysis;
— continuous integration;
— continuous deployment.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the host if you’d like to give a talk at the meetup.

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