QA Meetup
5 років назад
Мітап, Free
15 лютого

Guys, we missed you very much because we haven’t seen you since last year. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the beginning of the new HYS Enterprise meetup season.

We are waiting to meet and share experience with QA engineers of Odessa at the QA Meetup on February 15, 2020.

Our speakers:

– Yana Soboleva (QA Engineer at HYS Enterprise ): ‘Testing the REST API’
– Sergey Brit (Test Automation Engineer at Provectus ): ‘Selenide. Tips and tricks’
– Vladimir Arutin (QA Engineer at HYS Enterprise ): ‘Test Design Techniques’
– Leonid Suschenko (Scrum Master at Product Engine): ‘About Scrum’

Free entry, all participants should sign up:
Meetup is supported by our dear host partners – Hillel IT School

Date: 15.02
Place: Hillel IT School (22 Kanatnaya St.)

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