ГоловнаКалендарCreating Value With Artificial Intelligence
Creating Value With Artificial Intelligence
6 years назад
Мітап, Free
3 жовтня

Provectus invite you to Tech Talk in October!
Оur speaker from Google Developers — Rudradeb Mitra!

Rudradeb started his career as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) researcher in 2002 and went on to publish 10 research papers on various AI topics.
Our topic will be «Creating Value With Artificial Intelligence».

Language: English.

 Rudradeb’s current focus is to make emerging technology of Blockchain, Machine Learning, and IoT more accessible.
He has rich experience in entrepreneurship: he built 6 startups in 4 countries. One of the startups in Belgium was on IoT in the transportation sector. He also worked with CEZ, the Czech Republic on user adoption of their smart metering project.
Since 2017, he spends most of his time as a writer and speaker. He has been invited to speak at over 30 events in 11 countries.

📍 When?
Wednesday, October 3, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
📍 Where?
Provectus, Very Inber, 5.

Please, note there is a pre-moderation of the list of participants.
We have a limited number of seats and we’ll have to give preference to specialists whose area of expertise or interest is relevant to the meetup topic.

Participation is free, please fill in the form: provectus.com/events/#tech_talk