ГоловнаКалендарSKILup Day: Site Reliability Engineering
SKILup Day: Site Reliability Engineering
1 рік назад
Митап, Free
18 жовтня

The practice of SRE has risen to a must-have engineering practice for enterprises seeking to accelerate digital transformations or re-engineer their interfaces to digital-first. As enterprises are implementing SRE in their respective teams by developing and adjusting the best practices introduced by Google, the operating model continuously gains attention from decision makers within IT and the business.

We found in our SRE research that teams that have adopted SRE perceived their company as leaders across customer experience, and in quality and speed of innovation across different products, offerings, processes or services. Continuously improving customer experience and the speed of innovation requires attention for digital transformations or digital-first to succeed.
At this event, you will meet leading SRE experts and practitioners and hear how they have implemented SRE. They’ll share how SRE practices have accelerated their entry into the digital economy and how their investment has paid back in business and customer outcomes.

Registration for the event.